Social Good Web Development, Consultations, Shopify, How to Implement Drop Ship for your Business Brand?
I am so excited! It has been the most amazing experience! My dreams are coming true!
For the last two years I labored over how to integrate
a new product line onto my existing site I really didn't have a clue where to start, not a clue, it was like looking for a needle in the haystack ... Who do I ask for help? What if they can't help me? What if they over charge me? What if they don't realize I am so new at this, and won't understand everything they may ask of me? What if they don't communicate with me and the project comes to a standstill? Where do I even begin? Where do I go to learn online so as to completely understand all that I need to know to get my products online and/or to comprehend the ins and outs of running an eCommerce store? When can this be done? Does it take a week? Does it take a month? How much will it cost?
Three years ago (Late 2015/Early 2016) I started my first online store offering fair trade artisan gifts with
Global Crafts. :) That was fun!!!
It was a beautiful beginning and I loved (loving still) every minute of it! Shop our Fair Trade Products at
The Village Country Store.
Previously, prior to my fair trade store start up launch late in 2015, and for over 10 plus years and counting, I was on
eBay selling vintage textiles. My heart was yearning to do more, to have a more purposeful life. Was there a way I could implement what I love to do, selling vintage textiles online, while helping others as well? ...
Yes, I LOVE decorating and textiles, ...
in fact, it is in my DNA,
and I simply cannot ever imagine my life without decorating and doing room makeovers! ...but yet I wondered if I could somehow do even more and maybe even help others along the way?
It was during the late winter of 2015 that I started googling artisan crafts, drop shipping, and stumbled upon an older pdf word file on drop-shipping written by Kevin Ward. At that time, it didn't look to promising, as brands were none to keen to drop ship, believing that drop-ship vendors would not have the same conviction and tenacity as owning their own inventory. So I googled some more and found that a company called Global Crafts had implemented a drop-shipping program and that the man behind the company (back then - 2015) was none other than Kevin Ward himself, author, of the original pdf word file paper that I was reading about on drop-shipping! Wow! I needed to know more!
So who exactly is Kevin Ward?
Briefly, in his own words:
"Kevin is (was) a co founder of Global Crafts. Prior to starting Global Crafts in 2002 Kevin was a VSO volunteer in Kenya from 1999 to 2002 teaching Computer Science at Kisumu Polytechnic. In a past life he was a chef for 8 years before returning to education to get a degree in Sociology, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and a Msc in Computer Systems."
I was so lucky and fortunate that Kevin Ward, whose fair trade business that I literally fell into and stumbled upon late in 2015 had decided to take me on as a vendor and helped me every step of the way. AND literally, what had started on a Friday afternoon as a casual inquiry into his product line, had amazingly, ended up turning into a full deploy of over 2000 plus products, and my FIRST web store was literally launched 3 days later on a Monday!
WOW!!.... - It was Miraculous! Amazing! Astonishing! My head was spinning! I was launched, fully operational and ready to sell my first product! All in three days! What??? 3 Days!!! - I was in total non sleep mode, burning the midnight oil for a solid 7 months or more after that first launch. I literally learned on the 'go'. I jumped in feet first and never looked back. Yes, my dreams were coming true and realized.
It really helps when you have a company that wants you to succeed. Your success is their success. It says a lot about the people who have your 'back'. I could never have realized my first web site without Kevin Ward!
Don't go looking around for any other company than to realize your dreams. I have had the very best advice and guidance that any solo entrepreneur could ever want. I am truly so fortunate to have such an outstanding team behind my dream.
Eventually Global Crafts found a new owner. And Kevin moved on.
Social media has a way of popping into our lives those that we tentatively follow around, so, when I found out that
Kevin Ward launched I sheepishly asked
Kevin ...
Can we do this again? I want to get another product line in selling sustainable fabrics!" ...and we were off and running again! Oh My! I couldn't believe my good fortune!!! How could I be so lucky to have this unbelievably talented knowledge-able man behind my second launch? (Heads UP -
Kevin Ward! I will be back ... I am not done, I have another product line to launch in the not so distance future!)
Thank you
Kevin of! Thank you. Thank you!! If there is anything I can ever do to give testimony to you and your fine company, please use me as reference. Give out my name, my number, have clients call me, I will be thrilled to give back what you have so graciously given me. A dream. A more purposeful life. It was just a dream of mine
Kevin. And over night, with the blink of an eye, ...there it was, on the net, in full living color, for all the world to see, my first product line, and now my second! ...All because of the man behind
In finishing I would like to add on an even more personal note: along the way, for whatever reason, we come upon the right people who help us on our journey. That is why I wanted to share. After launching my fair trade products, I went on to meet the most incredible people, who little by little and piece by piece, were spreading social good awareness, hope and help to others less fortunate.
I joined facebook groups (many) with
like minded folks ie., Purchase with Purpose FB group, and meeting such incredibly inspirational people along the way working for the good of us all - from Molly Stillman at and LeeAnne McCoy from to comrades and peers and pitch-hitters for change such as Nancy Dunitz of
Dunitz & Company
There are so many many more. Quietly working behind the scenes. Helping others is so many ways. I strongly advocate ethical brand shopping and just adore
ChangetheWorldbyHowYouShop Shopping Guide. (if you ever get the time, read her story, what an incredible maverick for change).
I could not have done any of this without Kevin Ward first of Global Crafts and then
If you are a brand, and need help to implement dropshipping - drop him a line. It will be the next best thing for your company!
...and if you are just starting out, and want to make a difference, and need help with products and design, drop Kevin a line. I promise, it will also be the next big and best thing for your dreams. If I can do this. You can do this. Anybody can do this. My store is a blueprint and an anchor for those wishing to learn where to go next. Drop Kevin a line.
Consultation are free at! It doesn't get any better (Free Consultation) than that! Drop
Kevin a line! Sweet!

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
and to Kevin Ward of
Thank You Kevin! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Thank you for making my dreams a reality!
It's your time, it's time for yours. You got this! :) For Business and Brands - let's drop-ship, and for dreamers and doers of eCommerce, your time is now.
September 26, 2020
September 26, 2020
March 10, 2021
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?
Antwan Canfield
May 24, 2021
Thanks, Antwan Canfield for
Rafaela Rudolph
May 25, 2021
Thanks, Rafaela Rudolph for